Composite Modeling Capabilities of Commercial Finite Element Software

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The Ohio State University

Research Projects

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Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) can match or exceed the stiffness properties of steel or aluminum with nearly half the weight. Therefore, the desire to replace steel and aluminum is growing in order to make more fuel efficient vehicles. One drawback of CFRPs is that they require more complex techniques to model them in commercial finite element software. Two software packages that are widely used in industry are ANSYS and Abaqus, therefore, techniques to model composites need to be investigated using each of these software packages. To determine their abilities, a tension test of a CFRP coupon will be constructed. The coupon will be a 2 inch by 5 inch composite laminate that will be modeled with three different lay-up patterns. The modeled specimens will be subjected to a 5000 pound force in the global y direction. FEA solutions returned from ANSYS and Abaqus are then compared to each other and verified using current laminate theory. Following the verification, the discussed modeling techniques will be applied to more complex geometries, such as a holed specimen and a notched specimen. The modeling techniques add to the knowledge base of composite modeling and show how results from ANSYS and Abaqus compare to each other.



composite, Ansys, Abaqus, fea
