Mindfulness Yoga

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


An adaptive yoga program to enhance aspects of mental health recovery, an idea which focuses on an individual's journey to living a meaningful life. It includes aspects of self awareness, health and social participation; and encourages individuals to become active members of their community by giving them a sense of purpose and belonging.


IMPACT. 1: 35 people participated in yoga, and a core group of 7 people were consistent. 3 participants attended 66% of all classes, 3 attended 50%, and 1 attended 47% of classes. 6 participants completed pre/post Recovery Assessment Scale and no significant improvements were made. These participants (M Attendance=15.8) experienced marked gains in self esteem, self efficacy and goal setting.
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Southeast Inc.; Yoga on High
PRIMARY CONTACT: Samantha Lavach and Samantha Sanderson



Engaged Scholars, v. 2 (2014).