The Development and Effect of Serious Games

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The Ohio State University

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Serious games - games that are intended to educate in addition to simply entertain - can be a valuable asset in an effort to educate teenagers and young adults, who prefer learning through programs that they can control, such as video games (Corriveau, Shi, 2010). In this thesis we present the development of this mobile multi-platform serious game intended to teach the basic information about asthma to teenagers and young adults. We review the design of the game and the mobile technologies used to create the game. We present conclusions based on observations made while interviewees played the game, and detail the changes made to the game based on these observations. Each interviewee also provided feedback on the game, and completed several assessments to measure their knowledge of asthma before and after playing the game. We review the knowledge each interviewee gained from the interaction with the game, and draw and present conclusions based on the background each subject comes from.



serious gaming, serious games, video game, video games, mobile games
