Reconnaissance survey of groundwater resources in Northwest Franklin County and Southeast Union County

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


This study was conducted to review and determine the available groundwater resources in northwestern Franklin County and southeast Union County. Increasing population growth and demand for water will make it necessary for the suburban communities northwest of Columbus to provide a larger share of their own municipal water supplies. Data were compiled from one hundred and seventy-three well logs on file at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Water. One hundred and fifty-eight (91 percent) of the wells were completed into the carbonate bedrock aquifer system, whereas fifteen wells (9 percent) were completed into the glacial-drift aquifer. Pertinent information was compiled from the logs such as; the driller's lithologic log, static water levels and where possible, the pumping rate and drawdown from well production tests. This information was used to constuct a top-of-bedrock map, a composite potentiometric surface, and a drift-thickness map. These maps in conjunction with published material were used to interpret and determine the possible locations of potential groundwater sources for municipal use.


