The Ohio State University Endeavor Center

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

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Open since 2005, The Ohio State University Endeavor Center, a 27,000 square-foot mixed-use business incubator, has come to be recognized as a community leader in economic development, business training, and technological excellence. The original 26 permanent office spaces were expanded to 31 to satisfy demand for the flexible and professional office space provided in the facility for new and growing businesses. The latest renovation was completed to house the Manufacturing Field Engineer for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership – a position designed to provide assistance for small manufacturers in Southern Ohio. The facility housed 21 individual businesses during the year and operated at more than 100% of its original occupancy capability. Endeavor Center business partners drove a surge in hiring, adding over 150 high-skill, high-wage positions during the year.


IMPACT. 1: Created more than 1,100 high-skill, high-wage jobs, adding more than $100 million of direct economic activity to the local community. -- 2. In cooperation with the Small Business Development Center of Ohio, sponsored or conducted 300 business workshops, training sessions, and seminars with nearly 5,000 attendees – business owners, prospective entrepreneurs, and ambitious employees seeking to improve the profitability of their businesses so they can grow and provide additional employment opportunities for those in the community. -- 3. Directly and intimately assisted over 100 small businesses tackle obstacles to growth, supplying strategic and space resources required for expansion, resulting in the graduation of more than two dozen partners to the construction of their own facilities or expansion into larger facilities in the local commercial real estate market.
OSU PARTNERS: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Organization; United States Department of Agriculture; Governor's Office of Appalachia; Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative; Southern Ohio Agriculture and Community Development Foundation; Shawnee State University; Numerous small and large businesses
PRIMARY CONTACT: Ryan Mapes (mapes.



Engaged Scholars, v. 3 (2015).