2023 James R. Wright, Jr., MD, PhD Lecture
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Ohio State University. Medical Heritage Center
Building on a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, this talk
explores using the United States Preventive Services Task Force as a test case to
explore the successes and limitations of evidence-based medicine. Who gets to
say what the best evidence is?
Barron H. Lerner, MD, PhD, is a professor of medicine and population health
at the New York University (NYU) Grossman School of Medicine. He received
his MD from Columbia in 1986 and his PhD in history from the University
of Washington in 1996. In addition to his research, Lerner practices internal
medicine and teaches medical ethics and the history of medicine. Lerner is the
author of five books, including The Breast Cancer Wars: Hope, Fear and the
Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-Century America, which won the William Welch
award from the American Association for the History of Medicine. Lerner has
also published extensively in scholarly journals and contributes essays to the
"Well" blog section of the New York Times, Slate and the Washington Post,
among others. He has also appeared on numerous NPR broadcasts, including
"Fresh Air," "All Things Considered" and "Science Friday."
2023 James R. Wright, Jr., MD, PhD Lecture, "What Do You Know? Evidence-Based Medicine
and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force", featuring Barron H. Lerner, MD, PhD, April 20, 2023, The Ohio State University Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital Auditorium, Columbus, Ohio.