LINE POSITIONS OF $\triangle v_{3} = 1$ BANDS OF $^{12}C^{16}O^{18}O$
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Ohio State University
Spectra of a $CO_{2}$ sample enriched with $^{18}O$ have been measured using a 3.5 m path high temperature absorption cell and the AFGL high resolution interferometer. The spectra were taken at a resolution of $0.007 cm^{-1}$, at temperatures of 300, 500, and 800 K, and pressures of 3 and 6 torr. Ten $\triangle v_{3} = 1$ bands have been identified previously in the experimental spectra and molecular constants for these bands have been reported.$^{1}$ Further analysis of these spectra has resulted in the identification of additional bands. Effective rotation-vibration constants for these bands will be presented.$^{1}$
M. P. Esplin and L. S. Rothman, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 100, 193-204 (1983). This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research as part of AFGL Task 2310G1. Address of Esplin: Stewart Radiance Laboratory, Utah State University, 139 The Great Rd., Bedford MA 01730. Address of Mycroft: Geophysics Scholar, Optical Physics Division, U. S. Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731.
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