Examination of a High Redshift Quasar and its Host Galaxy
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The Ohio State University
We have measured the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the host galaxy of the z_s=1.7 gravitationally lensed quasar SDSS J1004+4112 from 0.44-8.0 micron (0.16-3.0 micron in the rest frame). The large angular
extent of the lensed images and their separation from the central galaxy of this cluster lens allows the images to be resolved even with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Based on the SED, the host
galaxy is a mixture of relatively old and intermediate age stars with an inferred stellar mass of log (M_star/M_sun)=11.09+/-0.28 and a star formation rate of log(Mdot/M_sun yr^-1)=1.18+/-0.26. Given the estimated black hole mass of M_BH~
10^8.6 M_sun from locally-calibrated correlations of black hole masses with line widths and luminosities, the black hole
represents a fraction log(M_BH/M_star) = -2.49+/-0.28 of the stellar mass and it is radiating at 0.24+/-0.05 of the Eddington limit. The ratio of the host stellar mass to the black hole mass is only marginally consistent with the locally observed ratio.
Quasar, Host Galaxy, Gravitational Lensing, Galaxy Evolution, Supermassive Black Hole