Maximizing Partnerships to Increase Physical, Financial, and Social Wellness
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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement
We will examine strategic campus and community partnerships for addressing student health and wellness at Otterbein University. We will focus specifically on key partnerships with the Promise House, an on-campus resource center and food pantry that aims to break down socioeconomic barriers to success. The partnerships focus on increasing physical, financial and social wellness for students. Presenters will discuss best practices for developing and strengthening campus and community partnerships. Participants will also examine their partnerships and brainstorm creative strategies to expand and deepen those relationships.
The Promise House is a student-led community resource center and food pantry for Otterbein University students. The Promise House aims to help break down socio-economic barriers to success. The Promise House relies heavily on campus and community partners to ensure the health and wellness of all students. This presentation will provide information about the Promise House and how the center works with key partners to increase student physical, financial and social wellness. Over the course of several decades, Otterbein and the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) have developed mutually beneficial partnerships with community organizations, and we have been able to grow and enhance those partnerships through our work at the Promise House. Creative strategies for maximizing those relationships for mutual benefit will be discussed in the presentations. Key partnerships with local organizations including Westerville Area Resource Ministry, Mid-Ohio Foodbank, Church of the Master, Westerville Otterbein Women's Thrift Store, and campus partners will be discussed. In addition to presenting partnerships and best practices, session attendees will have the opportunity to discuss their key partnerships and brainstorm ways to expand and deepen those relationships. This session will be presented by three staff members in the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) at Otterbein; all three staff members work to oversee the Promise House. Dr. Melissa Gilbert is the associate dean of students and the director of the CCE. Melissa has an established record as a service-learning administrator, faculty member, national engaged faculty scholar, and professional development leader. Melissa has published widely in the fields of service-learning, women's studies, and civic engagement. Other presenters include Stacey Rusterholz, the assistant director of the CCE, and Rachel Scherzer, AmeriCorps VISTA. Stacey has served as a higher education administrator for five years in the area of community engagement, community partnerships and leadership development. Most recently, Stacey served as the Campus Kitchen coordinator at Elon University. Campus Kitchen focuses on reducing food waste and meeting food insecurity needs in the community.
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Stacey Rusterholz, Assistant Director, Center for Community Engagement, Otterbein University, (Corresponding Author); Rachel Scherzer, AmeriCorps VISTA, Otterbein University; Melissa Gilbert, Associate Dean, Otterbein University.
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Stacey Rusterholz, Assistant Director, Center for Community Engagement, Otterbein University, (Corresponding Author); Rachel Scherzer, AmeriCorps VISTA, Otterbein University; Melissa Gilbert, Associate Dean, Otterbein University.
financial wellness, food insecurity, core partnerships
Engaged Scholars, v. 6 (2018).