Promise & Perils of a Politics of Peace: How the Report from Iron Mountain exposed the Absurdity of Cold War Militarism
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Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security Studies
The "Report from Iron Mountain," was published in 1967 as an alleged leaked study by an unnamed U.S. government task force regarding the "possibility and desirability of peace" with the Soviet Union. Though a complete fabrication, the study as well as the public debate it generated marked a turning point in the public discourse on peace in the United States. This talk takes the report as a point of departure for an exploration of the interconnections between public peace advocacy and the politics of peace during the 1960s and early 1970s. It is part of a larger study of the national and transnational engagement with peace as an ideal as well as a practical political manifestation, from the level of grassroots activism to the highest echelons of power; and from the cultural-religious realm to the realm of international diplomacy.
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peace, Cold War, politics, Iron Mountain