Obama-Singh Knowledge Initiative Project: STEM Faculty Training in India

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

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The objective of this program, developed and introduced under Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative award, is for OSU to offer the new dual degree MEd-STEM for Ph.D. students in Indian universities studying in STEM areas. The new program is novel as it provides faculty training of world class teaching excellence and leading state-of-the-art research in collaboration with OSU, both with equal emphasis.


IMPACT. 1: The first batch of 4 Indian students (2 males and 2 females) enrolled to the program in Summer 2014 and will graduate in Spring 2016. -- 2. A new 2-year long dual degree program MEd-STEM for students in Indian universities is now established at OSU. The program is also gaining interest internationally, such as, from Egypt, Republic of Georgia, Saudi Arabia.
OSU PARTNERS: All STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) departments and colleges Department of Teaching and Learning; College of Education and Human Ecology
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Aligarh Muslim University of India
PRIMARY CONTACT: Sultana N Nahar (nahar.1@osu.edu)



Engaged Scholars, v. 4 (2016).