Employing Ex-Offenders Following Release from Ohio Prisons
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Institute for Excellence in Justice
William Sabol, Chief of the Corrections Statistics Unit with the Bureau of Justice Statistics, discusses his research on the post prison employment experiences of offenders released from Ohio prisons during 1999 and 2000. His findings suggest that while ex-prison employment prospects are affected by local labor market demand, pre-existing attachments to labor markets are more important for predicting post-prison employment than local labor market conditions. Comments are provided by Rob Greenbaum, Associate Professor at the Ohio State University; Bruce Weinberg, Associate Professor at the Ohio State University; and Gwendolyn Woods, Acting Chief at the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
The media can be accessed here: http://streaming.osu.edu/knowledgebank/criminaljustice/060107whole.mp4
labor market opportunities, labor market conditions, Ohio, unemployment rates, employment, ex-prisoners, post prison employment, offenders