Prevalence, Mean Intensity, and Relative Density of Lintaxine Cokeri Linton 1940 (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae) on Freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) in Lake Erie (1984)
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A total of 309 freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), including 32 young-of-the-year (YOY), were collected from two localities in northern Ohio. Prevalence of infestation with Lintaxine cokeri was 9.71%, whereas relative density was 0.21. The highest prevalence (17.33%) and relative density (0.56) occurred in immature drum; highest prevalence (25.00%) and intensity (2-8) of infestation among the various size classes of drum occurred in fish ranging from 100-140 mm (standard length). All drum designated as YOY were uninfested, but may become infested with L. cokeri late in their first year. Excluding YOY, overall prevalence and relative density were 10.38% and 0.24, respectively. Immature drum (—YOY) showed a prevalence of 30.23% and a relative density of 0.98. Mean intensities were slightly higher than relative densities, but similar to the entire sample. Seasonal prevalences and relative densities increased, reaching summer highs of 11.11% and 0.34 in June and July, respectively. A seasonal low prevalence of 5.88% and a relative density of 0.058 occurred in November. Seasonal fluctuations in prevalence, mean intensity, and relative density are related to freshwater drum life history. This represents the first report of L. cokeri parasitizing freshwater drum in the area east of the Mississippi River.
Author Institution: Department of Zoology, Ohio State University
The Ohio Journal of Science. v86, n3 (June, 1986), 101-105