Pup Survival and Development Following Hippocampal Lesions in the Female Rat
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Animals with hippocampal lesions, induced by aspiration, are inferior to cortical control and normal animals in providing some aspects of maternal care needed for the proper survival of their young. Pup survival of animals with hippocampal lesions is significantly lower than pup survival of cortical control and normal animals. Nest construction of dams with hippocampal lesions is inferior to the cortical control and normal groups. Female animals with hippocampal lesions retrieve sensory altered pups more slowly than cortical control and normal animals. The deficits in retrieval behavior in animals with hippocampal lesions may be linked to defects in their ability to properly sequence cues. On day 5 after parturition, pups born to animals with hippocampal lesions weigh significantly less than those born to cortical control and normal animals. By day 14 after parturition, there are no significant differences between pup weights of animals born to hippocampally lesioned dams and those born to normal dams. If pups survive to 21 days after parturition, there are no significant differences in a number of serum components when pups born to hippocampally lesioned animals are compared to control pups. Serum levels of the following are similar in all three groups of pups: TSH, total T4, free T4, Na, K, Cl, P, Fe, glucose, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, and bilirubin. If pups born to mothers with hippocampal lesions survive until weaning, endocrinological and biochemical abnormalities are not apparent.
Author Institution: Departments of Psychology and Biology, John Carroll University
The Ohio Journal of Science. v86, n3 (June, 1986), 89-94