La source principale du Sermon sur la Nativité, attribué à Jean l’Exarque

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William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland)

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Capaldo summarizes the texts attributed to John Exarch and two redactions of the Sermon on the Nativity of Christ, its composition and sources. The article includes a Greek text of the homily with the scansion noted on the side and a French translation of the text (pp. 15-27). The Greek text is taken from Halkin's "Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca." An appendix (pp. 28-29) gives the Greek text from the Patrologiae Graecae in comparison to the Church Slavonic texts published, respectively, in A. Budilovič 1878 ("XIII slov Grigoriia Bogoslova v drevneslavianskom perevode po rukopisi Imperatorskoi Biblioteki XI veke," Sankt-Peterburg) and N. Petrov 1889 ("Slovo Ioanna ekzarkha Bolgarskago na Rozhdestvo Khristovo. Novootkrytyi pamiatnik drevnebolgarskoi pis'mennosti," Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 3: 298).



Slavic Manuscripts, Greek Manuscripts, Ĭoan, Exarch of Bulgaria, 10th cent., John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407, Simeon I, King of Bulgaria, 864 or 5-927, Proclus, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, ca. 390-ca. 446, Sermon on the Nativity of Christ, Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint, Budilovich, A. S. (Anton Semenovich), 1846-1908, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca


Polata Knigopisnaia: an Information Bulletin Devoted to the Study of Early Slavic Books, Texts and Literatures, v9 (June 1984), 3-29