Insects in the Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area, Ohio: 1994 Survey

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These data represent the second year of a two-year survey to inventory a wide range of insect species inhabiting the Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area. The principal objective was to collect information on insect biodiversity in this wetland area for future reference. Emphasis was focused on aquatic insects including predaceous diving beetles (Dytiscidae), water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae), and crawling water beetles (Haliplidae). Butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) were also included. Blacklight, flight intercept, Nitidulid Inventory Technique, underwater light, and malaise traps were utilized, as well as carrion bait and aquatic netting for collection techniques at five unique habitats. Overall, 477 species in 94 families and subfamilies in 13 orders were identified as a result of this survey.


Author Institution: Department of Entomology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University



The Ohio Journal of Science. v96, n3 (June, 1996), 34-40