Scientific Thinkers at Innis Elementary

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

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Ohio State University and Innis Elementary, presently under Academic Emergency, partner in a program called Scientific Thinkers to motivate the next generation of scientific thinkers from parts of our society that are marginalized. We accomplish a three-pronged benefit: confidence building in the elementary students, improvement of communication skills for graduate and undergraduate volunteer scientists, and inspiration and growth through new hands-on lesson plans for elementary school teachers.


IMPACT. 1: During biweekly visits, volunteers lead hands-on activities with direct engagement of elementary students and teachers. Students enjoy meeting a scientist and learning to think like a scientist. -- 2. Two annual school-wide events: Science Fair, where elementary students present projects with parental engagement, and Science Day, a teacher-inspired event, where students engage in many exciting hands-on laboratories. -- 3. The program provides professional growth for classroom teachers with development of hands-on strategies for teaching through direct collaboration with real scientists. There is continued pursuit of further teacher development through partnerships with established grants including the Ohio Department of Education sponsored Math Science Partnership program.
OSU PARTNERS: Department of Physics; Center for Emergent Materials; College of Arts and Sciences
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Innis Elementary School
PRIMARY CONTACT: Nandini Trivedi (



Engaged Scholars, v. 2 (2014).