Interview of Harley D. Nygren by Brian Shoemaker
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Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program
The interview with Admiral Nygren was short, but very informative. He was the founder and organizer of the NOAA Corps and became its first Director when it was formed. He served in this capacity from 1971 to 1981 and reported to four Presidents – Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. His early career, however, found him on duty in the Arctic where he was assigned for three years to the Arctic Field Party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. He was also assigned as United States Representative on the British Antarctic Survey Expedition of 1962 and was a member of the U.S. Inspection Team to Antarctica in 1970. He retired in 1981 with 36 years active service. He was well prepared for the interview with a written resume that is in his file. This interviewers tape recorder failed as the interview began and Admiral Nygren dug one from his basement that, after some tinkering, worked fine on this interview and several other interviews in the following week. The following is pertinent:
1. During WWII (1942) he joined the Navy and was assigned to the Navy College Training Program and earned his commission and B.S. in 1945.
2. In September 1947 he joined the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
3. He was trained as an Astronomic Observer in 1948
4. In 1949 he was assigned to the USCGS Arctic Field Party. His party surveyed the coastline and the near offshore from Point Lay to Barter Island – this is where he cut his scientific teeth. This was the first accurate survey of the Alaska North Slope coastline. The maps that resulted from the survey are still in use today. The work began in January each year and proceeded until September. This cycle went on for three years.
5. The work was immediately useful to the Navy who needed the information to sail inside the Barrier Island chain off the North Slope of Alaska.
6. He recounts the excitement and trials that were endured. He notes that they employed 50 Inupiat who were invaluable to conducting the survey.
7. Lt. JG Nygren, with his knowledge of the Alaskan Coastline, piloted a Navy convoy of LSTs along the North Slope.
8. From 1952 to 1954 he had two ship assignments – the Depot Bay and the Pathfinder –conducting surveys in the Bering Sea.
9. From 1957 – 61 he served aboard three other ships that worked off of Alaska – Explorer, Pathfinder and Pioneer.
10. In 1959 while on sabbatical at the University of Washington he was asked by Professor Fleming sail with the Brown Bear – a 128 foot wooden ship – when it sailed into the ice off Point Barrow. He recounts the experience briefly.
11. In 1962 he served as U.S. Representative with the British Antarctic Survey in Antarctica spending 5 months aboard the RRS Shackleton. Henry Dater was the head of the U.S. team. The team also conducted Antarctic Treaty Inspections of Argentine and Chilean Stations during this period.
12. CDR Nygren was assigned as Executive Officer of the Surveyor in 1966. He fleeted up to Commanding Officer in 1968 and shortly afterward was appointed to Captain. The ship conducted surveys in the Bering Sea and geophysical work off of St Lawrence Island and Cape Prince of Whales.
13. In 1970 he served on the United States Antarctic Treaty Inspection team.
14. After this assignment he was appointed as Associate Administrator of ESSA (Environmental Services Administration) and promoted to RADM and when NOAA Corps was formed he was chosen as its first Director, a position that he held for ten years until he retired in 1981. In this capacity he directed all of NOAA’s activities in the Arctic and regularly visited his ships and stations in the field for ten years.
15. In his capacity as Director of the NOAA Corps he served on numerous national boards and committees and through them had a major influence on national interests in both Polar Regions.
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