Military Frontiers Conference: A Graduate Student Symposium
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Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security Studies
In the last three months of 1918 the Western Allies finally defeated the Central Powers. Over the years, historians have been divided over the reasons for the Allied victory. In this lecture, Gary Sheffield argues that a combination of factors brought about the defeat of Germany and its allies. These include seapower; the greater resilience of the Allied home fronts; and the economic strengths and manpower of the British and French empires; the support of the United States, even before it formally became a belligerent; and, not least, the formidable military achievements of the armies of the British Empire.
This year's Military Frontiers conference showcases the scholarship of 12 graduate students, all of whom study topics relating to the management of force and power in international affairs. The conference is interdisciplinary; the presenters represent a range of academic fields, and their research is based in a variety of methodologies. By bringing together up-and-coming scholars in different fields working on similar topics, the conference aims to promote communication and cooperation across academic disciplines. While all the papers to be presented share certain common themes, the subjects of the presentations are quite diverse. These include the cultural representation of gas masks in Germany during World War I, the relationship between the United Church of Christ and Apartheid-era South Africa, and conflicts among anti-Japanese guerrilla groups in the Philippines during World War II.
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military, frontiers