An Ultrastructural Survey of Desmosomal-Mitochondrial Compexes in the Liver of Several Species of Laboratory Mammal

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Journal Issue


The frequency of desmosomal-mitochondrial complexes was studied in the liver of a variety of laboratory mammals with transmission electron microscopy. Variation in the frequency of complexes within orders and among species ranged from one complexed mitochondrion for every desmosome counted in hamsters and mice, one to two in primates, one to 32 in guinea pigs, to none in rabbits, cats, dogs, and fetal rats. The morphology of desmosomal-mitochondrial complexes was similar, but not identical, among species. Complexes were widely dispersed in normal liver. The function of the complex is speculative.


Author Institution: Departments of Environmental Healthy, and Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati



The Ohio Journal of Science. v85, n3 (June, 1985), 74-84