ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 26-27 Aug 1983: Sofia. Conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination up to the 17th Century
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William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland)
This feature "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. On August 26-27, 1983, in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the "SS. Kiril and Metodii" Bulgarian National Library organized a Conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination up to the 17th Century. 8 scholars lectured on a variety of topics related to the decoration and illumination of manuscripts junior researchers received hands-on training with original manuscripts from the Bulgarian National Library "SS. Kiril and Metodii." 12 lectures were given on the topics of the development of Cyrillic script up to the 15th century in Bulgaria, Romania, Rus', and Serbia; the orthography of Cyrillic manuscripts between older antigraphs and contemporaneous regional dialects, the structures of miscellanies (sborniki), and description of manuscripts. The participants were also able to take part in the sessions of the conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination, which was held in Sofia, August 26-27, 1983. More about this seminar was published in Polata Knigopisnaia 13: 68-69.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian National Library, Slavic Paleography, Seminar on Slavic Paleography and Diplomatics, Conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination, Seminar on Slavic Palaeography, Second International, Bogdanović, Dimitrije, Dzhurova, Aksiniia, Tuphexe-Paschu, Christina, Karadzhova, Darinka, Vasiljev, Ljupka, Guţu, Olimpia, Mavrodinova, Liliana, Kotseva, Elena, Stanchev, Krasimir, 1949-
Polata Knigopisnaia: an Information Bulletin Devoted to the Study of Early Slavic Books, Texts and Literatures 9 (June 1984), 75-76