The Case of the Disappearing Son: Gender, Genre, and German Postwar Cultural Memory in Niklas Frank's Meine deutsche Mutter and C.F. Delius's Bildnis der Mutter als junge Frau

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Camden House

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This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Byram, Katra. “The Case of the Disappearing Son: Gender, Genre, and German Postwar Cultural Memory,” which has been published in final, copyedited and typeset form in the book Contested Selves: Life Writing and German Culture, edited by Katja Herjes and Elisabeth Krimmer, 191-204. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2021. This article may be used for personal, non-commercial purposes, but may not be redistributed.


collective memory, Germany, gender and memory, genre and memory


Byram, Katra. “The Case of the Disappearing Son: Gender, Genre, and German Postwar Cultural Memory,” in Contested Selves: Life Writing and German Culture, eds. Katja Herjes and Elisabeth Krimmer, Camden House, 2021, 191-204.