A Revised Diameter for the Serpent Mound Impact Crater in Southern Ohio
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Previous studies of the Serpent Mound impact crater in southern Ohio have identified only two of the three important landforms associated with complex impact craters: the central peak and the surrounding graben (the latter coinciding with area beneath the crater floor). The third landform, the crater rim, was never identified. The diameter (7 to 8 km) of the area that encompasses both the central peak and ring graben was previously offered as the diameter of the crater, which was not representative of the full extent of this crater. Morphometric analysis, a reexamination of the local morphology, and delineation of structural deformation using subsurface data have provided new insight concerning the actual size of the Serpent Mound impact crater. Results suggest that the Serpent Mound impact crater is approximately 14 km in diameter and that surficial remnants of a crater rim still exist along the eastern half of the crater.
Author Institution: Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University
The Ohio Journal of Science, v110, n3 (June, 2010), 34-43.