Official Proceedings of the One Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-Seventh Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Columbus, Ohio, November 2, 2001
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Ohio State University
This item is the meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University held on Friday, November 2, 2001, at the Ohio State University Longaberger Alumni House, Columbus, Ohio. Topics discussed at the meeting included the president's report, presentation on student leadership & service-learning initiatives, student recognition award, consent agenda, regional campus board appointment, appointments to the engineering experiment station advisory council, personnel actions, resolution in memoriam, report of research contracts and grants, the University development report, waivers of competitive bidding requirements, employment of architects/engineers/construction manager, request for construction bids and report of award of contracts, sale of real property, the authorization, issuance and sale of general receipts bonds series 2002 A and series 2001 of the Ohio State University, the authorization, issuance and sale of general receipts commercial paper notes series D of the Ohio State University, presentation on budget rescission, FY 2002 budget rescission, and the undergraduate student government report.