Emperor Henry IV surrendering his crown to the pope
(L) The enthroned pope with entourage:(R) the kneeling emperor offering his crown on a pillow to the pope, his wife, and child kneeling beside him. \\ Clerical habit: robes and hats, croziers, etc.\Cuts 24 to 34. The series, printed as an Appendix to Volume I, illustrate ""The proud primacie of Popes.""\TRI: Crown v. Tiara\ Pope = generic type\ Heavy Illustration: woodcut above text on page after page\\ ""Image of Antichrist"" = transhistorical voice of pope(s) in monologue extracted largely out of papal decrees, decretals, etc. = the heap on the light scale at the end.\\ Antecedents:\\ Triumphs\\ Nativity Scenes\Antithesis Christi und Antichristi\Frith