Czy zawód jest trafnym wskaźnikiem pozycji społecznej niepracujących respondentów?
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I attempt to determine to what extent data on occupational career from the
past, reported by respondents non-working in the survey, are valid measure of
their social status. I argue, here, that these procedure, often applied in the analyses,
may be justified as far as non-working incumbents of occupational roles do
not differ from their working counterparts with respect to important sociological
variables. I refer to the data from the Polish General Social Survey. According to
the findings presented here, there are substantial differences between working
and non-working persons in their objective characteristics, views, and attitudes. It
means that including under the same occupational label both, working and nonworking
respondents (identified by their last reported job) increases social heterogeneity
of occupational categories. The question is to what extent lower validity
of occupation, resulting from such procedure, is counterweighted by its merits. In the concluding section I point out some analytical and theoretical rationale which justify application of the past job to measure social status of non-working respondents.
Ask: Research and Methods. Volume 5-6, Issue 1-2 (1997), pp. 93-107