The Consequences for Antibiotic Resistance in the Food Chain and Hindrances Induced by Industry Released Metabolites

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Antibiotics have become a confounding factor in human and animal diets and their microbiome. The escalating contamination of the environment with antibiotic-resistant genes that enable bacterial horizontal and vertical evolution increasing antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria has become a global threat. Specifically, the contamination induced by antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes play a role in the manifestation of these contaminants in the food chain. Antibiotics produced by industry as well as their metabolites are released from plants, hospitals, farms, and households with biological wastes (urine, faeces, sputum, placenta, tissues and organs) or by means of abandoned animals (e.g., cattle in India), stray animals (dogs, pigs, and birds) and open human defecation in slum areas. From the sewage, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), and surface run off the antibiotics and/or ARG contaminate water and can be dispersed on fields that directly or indirectly enter humans' and animals' food chain system. This topic of choice is a condensed version of the review paper written by Kumar et al. and was made possible by an analysis of pathways that were previously published. The goal of this study and poster is to advance understanding of the mechanisms of dissemination and development of antibiotic resistance genes in the context of nutrition and related clinical, agricultural, veterinary, and environmental settings.



Agricultural, Antibiotics, Classification of antibiotic resistance threats, Nanoantibiotics, Antibiotic Resistant Genes (ARG)


Published version: Kumar SB, Arnipalli SR, Ziouzenkova O. Antibiotics in Food Chain: The Consequences for Antibiotic Resistance. Antibiotics. 2020; 9(10):688.