Statistical analysis of gravity anomalies
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Ohio State University. Division of Geodetic Science
In the first part of this paper the author continues his research on the statistics of gravity anomalies. New and independent methods for computing the statistical functions Es and Gs are described. Es, the error of representation, can be obtained using a map with iso-anomaly curves. Gs, the root mean square anomaly, may be computed if the covariance function, Cd, is given empirically. The formulas are illustrated by some numerical examples. The second part treats the continuation of the gravity anomaly field to different elevations. An earlier integral formula, expressing them in terms of gravity anomalies at ground level, can be simplified and adapted for electronic computing. For manual computation the statistical method described above is used to find a template which gives satisfactory accuracy with the least amount of labor. The derived methods for the manual and high speed computation for the extension of the gravity field in unsurveyed areas and its continuation to high elevations have great theoretical and practical significance. Comparison of different methods continues. [Some mathematical expressions are not fully represented in the metadata. Full text of abstract available in document.]