Improving Food Security in East Africa Through the East African Vegetable Crop Integrated Rest Management (IPM) Innovation Lab (EAVCIPLM-IL)

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

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The Ohio State-led East African Vegetable Crop IPM Innovation Lab aims to develop, implement, and scale-up IPM technologies for selected vegetable crops in Feed the Future (FtF) priority areas in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya. The overall goal of this USAID-funded project is to build the capacity of host country institutions to implement effective IPM research and locally-adapted, gender-appropriate technology transfer programs that increase environmental benefits, farm productivity, and incomes, and inform national and regional policy.


IMPACT. 1: The EAVCIPM-IL will build the capacity of local host country institutions and communities to implement IPM research and technology transfer programs using participatory agricultural research practices and on-farm research. -- 2. The EAVCIPM-IL will develop and disseminate improved IPM technologies to local farmers that reduce crop losses due to pests, reduce pesticide use, and enhance agricultural productivity and farmer income. -- 3. The EAVCIPM-IL will develop policy recommendations that will enhance the capacity of host country institutions to develop and implement effective IPM research and locally-adapted, gender-appropriate, IPM technology transfer programs.
OSU PARTNERS: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences: Office of International Programs in Agriculture; Department of Horticulture and Crop Science; Department of Plant Pathology; Department of Entomology; School of Environment and Natural Resources; Ohio State Extension
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: United States: Primary: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); Virginia Tech University; University of California, Davis; Secondary: Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab at Kansas State University; International Primary: Sokoine University of Agriculture - Tanzania; University of Hawassa – Ethiopia; Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) – Kenya; Mikocheni Agriculture Research Institute – Tanzania; International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) – Tanzania; Secondary: Real IPM Company –Kenya; Seeds of Expertise for the Vegetable Sector of Africa (SEVIA) - Tanzania
PRIMARY CONTACT: John Cardina (; Mark Erbaugh (



Engaged Scholars, v. 4 (2016).