Official Proceedings of the One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Seventh Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Columbus, Ohio, November 5, 1999
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Ohio State University
This item is the meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University held on Friday, November 5, 1999, at the Ohio State University Longaberger Alumni House, Columbus, Ohio. Topics discussed at the meeting included the naming of law library, the president's report, Academic Enrichment Initiative presentation, the consent agenda, dissolution of the Applied Mechanics section in Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, and Aviation and the merger of faculty with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, naming of the Center for Emerging Technologies on the Ohio State University-Newark campus and the Ohio State University Medical Center - University Hospitals Clinic, honorary degrees, personnel actions, resolution in memoriam, report of research contracts and grants, the University development report, waivers of competitive bidding requirements, the employment of architects/engineers and request for construction bids, Wexner Center for the Arts collection policy, acceptance of the report of audit for 1998-99, disposition of University Hospitals East Home Care program, amendments to the bylaws of the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute board, the authorization, issuance and sale of general receipts bonds series 1999 A & B of the Ohio State University, student recognition award, and the student government reports.