EVIDENCE FOR PREDISSOCIATION OF $Rb^{*}_{2}(C^{1}\Pi_{u})$ INTO $Rb^{*}(^{2}P_{3/2})$ AND $Rb(^{2}S_{1/2})$
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Ohio State University
A nozzle beam of rubidium is irradiated by the $4765$ {\AA} line of the argon ion laser, and the resulting fluorescence is spectroscopically analyzed. Under these collision-free conditions, the emission consists of molecular fluorescence from the $Rb_{2} C^{1}\Pi_{u} - X^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+}$ electronic system as well as atomic fluorescence from the Rb $^{2}P_{3/2}$ fine structure component (the Rb $D_{2}$ line) only. The latter transition is caused by partial predissociation $(\leq 25%)$ of the $Rb_{2} C^{1}\Pi_{u}$ $state.^{1}$ The molecular fluorescence is polarized and has a value $P = 0.345 \pm 0.009$. This is interpreted to be caused by the superposition of P and $R_{2}$ as well as Q lines, in agreement with studies made by Happer and $Tam.^{2}$ The Rb $5^{2} P_{3/2}$ level correlates with the $Rb_{2} A^{1}\Sigma_{u}^{+}$ state or the $B^{1}\Pi_{u}$ state, one or both of which are believed to be responsible for predissociating the $Rb_{2} C^{1}\Pi_{u}$ state.
$^{1}$J. M. Brom and H. P. Broida, J. Chem. Phys. 61, 982 (1974). $^{2}$A. Tam and W. Happer, submitted to the Journal of Chemical Physics.
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York