Centennial Symposium Paper: The Need for Outcome Rather Than Process Evaluations
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This paper presents a theoretical model which discusses the value of and need for the use of outcome rather than process evaluations of programs for the elderly. The theoretical framework is based on the highly successful philosophical model of statistical quality control used in industry, which assumes the best way to improve quality is to look at the outcomes. Most accreditation associations, such as the Joint Committee on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHCO), tend to emphasize process evaluations. It is the position of this paper that a change is needed which would shift that evaluation emphasis to assessing program outcome. The authors identify how outcome evaluations can be developed, taking into consideration need assessment, procedures, and multiple stakeholder concerns within the design of the evaluation. Also included is a discussion of the value of a learning and motivational approach rather than one that is punitive and judgmental.
Author Institution: College of Education and Neoucom, The University of Akron
The Ohio Journal of Science. v93, n3 (June, 1993), 68-71