Official Proceedings of the One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighteenth Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Columbus, Ohio, February 1, 2006
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Ohio State University
This item is the meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University held on February 1, 2006 at the Ohio State University Longaberger Alumni House, Columbus, Ohio. Karen A. Holbrook gave the President's Report, focusing on STEM education, and Miranda J. Fields was given the Student Recognition Award. The committee reports were then discussed. Ilee Rhimes, Mike Veres, and Susan Metros gave a presentation regarding Technology on Campus. The consent agenda included the following resolutions: Amendments to Committee Appointments for 2005-2006, Reappointments to the Self-Insurance Board, Amendments to the Bylaws of the Medical Staff of The Ohio State University Hospitals, Establishment of The Undergraduate Research Office, Honorary Degree, Personnel Actions, Resolutions in Memoriam, Report of Research Contracts and Grants, Report on University Development, Waivers of Competitive Bidding Requirements, Report on Interim Authorization for Two Capital Projects, Approval to Enter into Feasibility Study Design and Construction Contracts to Increase Construction Contracts and Enter into Joint Use Agreement, Ratification of The Acceptance of the Gift of Real Property, Athletic Ticket Prices and Fees, and Authorization to Make Adjustments in Approved General Funds Budgets. The appendices included statements, maps, tables, presentations, and budgets that were not included in the minutes.