USNC-IGY Antarctic Glaciological Data: Report Number 2: Field Work 1958-59 Part XI, Glaciology, Byrd Station and Marie Byrd Land Traverse, 1958-1959

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The Ohio State University Research Foundation

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The glaciological program at Byrd Station, Antarctica, during the 1959-59 traverse was essentially a continuation of the program initiated by Vernon Anderson and Mario Giovinetto during 1957 and 1958. As in previous years, the work was divided into traverse glaciological studies during the summer and station observations during the winter. Certain modifications and additions to some of the original studies were made. This report is divided into two parts, traverse glaciology and station glaciology.


Submitted to the U.S. National Committee for the IGY, National Academy of Sciences, in partial fulfillment of IGY Project Number 4.10 - NSF Grant No. Y/4.10/285.


Byrd Station and Marie Byrd Land Traverse, 1958-1959, Glaciology--Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, Glaciology--Byrd Station, Antarctica


Long, W.E. 1961. USNC-IGY Antarctic Glaciological Data: Report Number 2: Field Work 1958-59 Part XI: Glaciology, Byrd Station and Marie Byrd Land Traverse, 1958-1959. Ohio State University Research Foundation Report 825-2-Part XI, IGY Project No. 4.10, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, 300 pages.
