Defining Health Care Insecurity
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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement
Learn about the types of health care insecurity that many patients at the Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio (CPCO) experience. Health care insecurity can generally be described as not having enough money to pay for necessary health care services or medicine for oneself or a family member at least once in the past 12 months. Health care insecurity includes patients who are uninsured or underinsured, and we will discuss the barriers for each of these situations. "Underinsured" for low-income families is defined as spending more than 5 percent of total income on health care expenses; for high-income families, it means spending 10 percent or more. Learn about the issues faced by many in the Columbus area and how CPCO coordinates access to care for its patients.
Presenters Kelsey Schmuhl and Kay Bahrey are Community Care Pharmacy residents at The Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio. Marilee Clemons is a former Charitable Pharmacy resident and a current ambulatory care resident at General Internal Medicine. All presenters have extensive experience working with underserved patients in Franklin County and resolving medication access issues. This presentation is intended for anyone interested in learning more about the underserved population and barriers to medication access. The Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio (CPCO) was founded in 2010 to serve the medication needs of uninsured and underinsured people in Franklin County, Ohio. Patients who fall at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level come to CPCO to receive both acute and chronic medications they could otherwise not afford. In 2015, 34.9 percent of Franklin County residents qualified for services at Charitable Pharmacy. This presentation will educate audience members about the different types of health care insecurity that many of the patients at CPCO experience. While there are several definitions of health care insecurity, it can generally be thought of as not having enough money to pay for necessary health care services or medicines for oneself or a family member at least once in the past 12 months. Health care insecurity includes those patients who are uninsured and underinsured, and this presentation will discuss the many barriers that each present. In 2015, 15.6 percent of adults and 6.2 percent of children in Franklin County were uninsured, while many others were underinsured. Underinsured for low-income families is defined as spending more than 5 percent of total income on health care expenses, while for high-income families it means spending 10 percent or more. This presentation will briefly discuss these issues faced by many members of the Columbus, OH community and the work that The Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio is doing to coordinate access to care for its patients.
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Kay Bahrey, PGY1 (Postgraduate Year One) Community Care Resident at the Charitable Pharmacy, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, (Corresponding Author); Kelsey Schmuhl, PGY1 Community Care Resident at the Charitable Pharmacy, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy; Marilee Clemons, PGY2 General Internal Medicine Resident, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Kay Bahrey, PGY1 (Postgraduate Year One) Community Care Resident at the Charitable Pharmacy, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, (Corresponding Author); Kelsey Schmuhl, PGY1 Community Care Resident at the Charitable Pharmacy, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy; Marilee Clemons, PGY2 General Internal Medicine Resident, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.
underserved, insecurity, health care, medications, access
Engaged Scholars, v. 6 (2018).