What is at Stake with High Stakes Testing? A Discussion of Issues and Research

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High stakes tests are defined as those tests that “carry serious consequences for students or educators.” The consequences from standardized achievement tests range from grade retention for school children to rewards or punitive measures for schools and school districts. The nature of standardized achievement tests used in these situations poses validity problems for the decisions. Numerous unintended negative consequences or students, teachers, curriculum, and schools have been identified. Research has yet to establish clear benefits from these high stakes practices. Therefore, with little empirical support and financial and human costs high, a costs/benefits analysis suggests that the high stakes testing bandwagon, further fueled by No Child Left Behind, needs to be carefully evaluated before it continues to roll.


Author Institution: Dept of Educational Psychology, Ball State University



The Ohio Journal of Science, v104, n2 (April, 2004), 2-7.