Proteomic Analysis of Post-pollination Senescence in Petunia Flowers
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The senescence of vegetative and floral tissues can have a detrimentalimpact on the quality and subsequent value of agricultural and horticultural crops. To global analyses of protein expression during
flower senescence, we are therefore using a proteomic approach to identify components of the senescence program in Petunia x hybrida cv Mitchell Diploid flowers. Total soluble proteins were extracted from petunia corollas at 24, 48, and 72 hours after flower opening (i.e. unpollinated, nonsenescing flowers) and at 24, 48, and 72 h after pollination (i.e. senescing flowers). Two- dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) was used to identify those proteins that were differentially expressed in nonsenescing (unpollinated) and senescing(pollinated) corollas. PDQuest image analysis (BioRad) software was used to identify those proteins up or down regulated by two fold in pollinated corollas. One hundred forty differentially expression proteins were identified. Most of these were identified by comparing 72 h
unpollinated to 72 h pollinated corollas. LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-tandem MS) was used to determine the identity of these proteins. Searching the NCBI nonredundant protein and petunia translated EST database we have been able to assign a putative identification to greater than 90% of these proteins. Identified proteins are involved in many metabolic pathways including proteolysis; nuclei acid, cell wall and lipid catabolism; and signal transduction. To further characterize the role of these proteins in flower senescence, we will knockdown the expression of the corresponding genes using virus-induced gene
Flower senesecence, proteomics, pollination