Taking Care to the Community: Primary Care at Home

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Total Health and Wellness at Home provides primary care in the homes of people who are not able to travel to health care appointments. Qualifications for this service include a disabling condition, multiple co-morbidities, and frail elderly. Two certified Nurse Practitioners provide the house calls and are supported by a pharmacist, social worker and office staff. The program is working to expand the service to senior living centers.


IMPACT. 1: Support people who choose to age or live at home with a mobile primary care service. -- 2. Enable people to live at home with disabling conditions, frailty by providing mobile diagnostic services, e.g. xray, electrocardiogram, ultrasound, laboratory services. -- 3. By providing primary care and diagnostic services at home, trips to the emergency department and hospitalizations can be avoided.
OSU PARTNERS: College of Nursing; Wexner Medical Center; Department of Internal Medicine; College of Pharmacy; College of Social Work
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: National Church Residences; Community for all People Methodist Church
PRIMARY CONTACT: Candy Rinehart (Candy.Rinehart@osumc.edu)



Engaged Scholars, v. 5 (2017).