Subsampled Blind Deconvolution via Nuclear Norm Minimization

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The Ohio State University

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Many phenomena can be modeled as systems that preform convolution, including negative effects on data like translation/motion blurs. Blind Deconvolution (BD) is a process used to reverse the negative effects of a system by effectively undoing the convolution. Not only can the signal be recovered, but the impulse response can as well. "Blind" signifies that there is incomplete knowledge of the impulse responses of an LTI system. Solutions exist for preforming BD but they assume data is fully sampled. In this project we start from an existing method [1] for BD then extend to the subsampled case. We show that this new formulation works under similar assumptions. Current results are empirical, but current and future work focuses providing theoretical guarantees for this algorithm.



Blind Deconvolution, Image Reconstruction, Optimization, Nuclear Norm
