Interview of William T. Beckett by Dian O. Belanger
Beckett, William T., d. 2000
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Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program
Utilitiesman, first class, Willie Beckett had charge of installing and maintaining the base utilities heating, plumbing, water-at Little America V during Deep Freeze I.. After wintering over, he drove a D-8 in the tractor train to establish Byrd Station in Deep Freeze II, where he also set up the utilities. Beckett wintered over three more times-at Byrd during DF IV and McMurdo during DF 61 and DF 63. He died in 2000.
The Antarctic Deep Freeze oral history project was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and supported by the Antarctic Deep Freeze Association. The original paper copies and unaltered tapes have been deposited in the library of the National Science Foundation.