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Ohio State University
White light scattering characteristics of submicron size metallic particles, as small as 25 \AA. grown in a flowing inert gas stream have been measured in the spectral range from 1850 to 7000 \AA. Incident white light was obtained from a high pressure xenon are lamp and the scattered light intensity was measured using a 3/4-meter double-pass monochrometer of Czerny-Turner design, capable of 0.10 \AA resolution, with photoelectric detection. The response of the spectrometer to the observed scattered light was calibrated to account for spectral characteristics of the light source, light absorption in the experimental apparatus, and polarization properties of the optical system. Scattered light from submicron size sodium particles is observed to be linearly polarized and typically to have maximum intensity at 3400 \AA with a half width at half maximum of 300 \AA. Depending on experimental conditions of particle creation, the position of the maximum intensity can be varied by = 200 \AA and the half width from 250 to 500 \AA. The peak in scattered light intensity can be described by solid state plasma resonance which involves a cooperative motion of all the electrons in the particle with respect to the particle lattice. A comparison of the observed resonance line shape and polarization with palsma theory for particles with differing sizes and shapes will be discussed along with the extension of this experimental and theoretical study to particles of various other metals.
$^{*}$work supported in part by AFOSR, Grant No. AFOSR-70-1851.""
Author Institution: Department of Physics, University of California
Author Institution: Department of Physics, University of California