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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement
Buck-I-SERV is Ohio State's alternative breaks program that, with Student Activity Fee funding, coordinates with service agencies on the national and international fronts to create weeklong, substance-free trips centered on community service and civic engagement. Buck-I-SERV's mission is to provide students with challenging and exciting opportunities to lead and learn through direct service experiences.
IMPACT. 1: By working in diverse environments that sometimes challenge their comfort zones, students gain new perspectives regarding social justice and civic engagement while learning about the importance and significance of reflection. Students work to meet community needs, build on community assets, and bring their experiences back to campus with them at the closing of their trip. -- 2. Through this life-changing experience, students have the opportunity to build new friendships while working together to meet the needs of a community and build on that community's strengths. Over 65 of these alternative break trips are planned each year.
OSU PARTNERS: Office of International Affairs; Multicultural Center; The Ohio State University Alumni Association
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Habitat for Humanity; One Heartland; Guadalupe Center; Food and Friends; Furkids; One World Running; Operation Breakthrough; Gay Men's Health Crisis; God's Love We Deliver; Steel Yard; Arc of Baltimore; Community Collaborations International
PRIMARY CONTACT: Vian Barwari (barwari.3@osu.edu)
OSU PARTNERS: Office of International Affairs; Multicultural Center; The Ohio State University Alumni Association
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Habitat for Humanity; One Heartland; Guadalupe Center; Food and Friends; Furkids; One World Running; Operation Breakthrough; Gay Men's Health Crisis; God's Love We Deliver; Steel Yard; Arc of Baltimore; Community Collaborations International
PRIMARY CONTACT: Vian Barwari (barwari.3@osu.edu)
Engaged Scholars, v. 1 (2013).