The Crash Imminent Safety (CrIS) University Transportation Center (UTC)

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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The goal of the CrIS UTC is to improve ground transportation safety through interdisciplinary research and development in the interplay of autonomous and intelligent vehicle systems, human factors, and injury biomechanics. Outreach and Engagement activities include: 1. Education, Workplace Development, and Diversity -- education programs related to ground transportation, focusing on human systems integration in pre-crash scenarios. 2. Technology Transfer and Policy -- research on policies that can support or hinder the adoption of intelligent vehicle systems.


IMPACT. 1: UTC - WiE RISE Collaboration – This project familiarizes the WiE RISE participants with basic Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) concepts and includes hands-on experience with assembling, programming, and testing mobile ground robots that serve as surrogate vehicles. -- 2. Safety, Crashes, and Intelligent Vehicle Systems in Policy – This project looks at the policy discussions around the issues of vehicle safety, crashes, and intelligent vehicle systems (and autonomous vehicles). -- 3. It employs big data techniques on a large dataset of U.S. government policy documents from the U.S. Congress, Executive, the Judiciary, and Public Administrators.
OSU PARTNERS: Crash Imminent Safety (CrIS); University Transportation Center (UTC); Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; John Glenn School of Public Affairs
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Industry collaborators representing major automotive industries; Community partners representing diverse consumer groups
PRIMARY CONTACT: Tamar Forrest (



Engaged Scholars, v. 2 (2014).