A Serological Study of Tularemia in Domestic Animals and the Potential Threat to Humans
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Serological evidence was obtained that demonstrated previous infection with Pasteurella tularensis in 2 of 9 sheep raised in Monroe County, MI. Although no ectoparasites were found on the sheep in April and May when the testing was done, it was assumed that they were infected by ticks. Titers for Brucella were much less than those for P. tularensis and were not considered meaningful. Eight New Zealand white rabbits from nearby Risingsun, OH were serologically negative for tularemia and brucellosis. These animals had been confined in a commercial rabbitry and were free of ectoparasites. One of 8 dogs from Fulton County, OH, had a positive titer for P. tularensis, but not Brucella. No ectoparasites were observed on the dogs, but they had been recently dipped. The possibility that man as well as other animals might become infected with Pasteurella tularensis in the Toledo, OH area exists.
Author Institution: Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical College of Ohio
The Ohio Journal of Science. v78, n2 (March, 1978), 92-95