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William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland)

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This feature, "ОБЬЩЕѤ ЖИТИѤ" [Ob'shtee zhitie], provides a list of ongoing projects and recent publications of scholars in the field of Early Slavic studies, arranged alphabetically by the country in which they work. Represented in this issue are reports from Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Yugoslavia.



Broes, K., Dilbeek, Belgium, Freiburg, Germany, Weiher, Eckhard, Bojkovsky, Georg, Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373, Paraenesis, Sadnik, Linda, John, of Damascus, Saint, Ĭoan, Exarch of Bulgaria, active 10th century, Hansack, Ernst, John Chrysostom, Saint, -407, Geōrgios, Patriarch of Alexandria, -630, Watermarks, Tarnanidēs, Iōannēs Chr, Hellenic Association of Slavic Studies, Saint Catherine (Monastery : Mount Sinai) -- Catalogs, Union Catalogue of Slavic Manuscripts, Moszyński, Leszek, Codex Zographensis, Horálek, Karel, Bible. N.T. Gospels. Church Slavic., Cosmas, Presbyter, 10th cent., Codex Assemanianus, Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869, Codex Marianus, Archaeographic Commission, AN SSSR, Savva, V. I. (Vladimir Ivanovich), 1865-1920, Turilov, A. A. (Anatoliĭ Arkadʹevich), St. Panteleimon Monastery (Mount Athos), Tikhomirov, N. B., Lenin State Library / Russian State Library (Moscow), Tachiaos, Anthony-Emil N., Matejic, Prof. Dr. Mateja, Hilandar Research Project, Lunt, Horace G., Spektar (Skopje), Pop-Atanasov, Ǵorgi, Stojčevska-Antiḱ, Vera, Čunčić, Marica, Predov, Nikolai, Cyrillomethodianum, Fekula, Paul M., 1905-1982, Slavic Manuscripts from the Fekula Collection: A Description, Paraenesis: die altbulgarische Übersetzung von Werken Ephraims des Syrers, The Slavonic Manuscripts discovered in 1975 at St. Catherine's Monastery on Mount Sinai, Spektar: spisanie na Institutot za literatura pri Filološkiot fakultet, http://hrcak.srce.hr/14523, Čunčić, Marica. "Metodologija analitičke paleografije i osnovni oblik glagoljskog pisma (Methodology of the Analytical Paleography and the Elementary Form of the Glagolitic Script)." Doctoral thesis, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 1987.


Polata Knigopisnaia: an Information Bulletin Devoted to the Study of Early Slavic Books, Texts and Literatures 9 (June 1984), 90-100.