Obama-Singh Knowledge Initiative Project: STEM Faculty Training in India
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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement
The overwhelming need confronting higher-education institutions in emerging nations is world-class faculty in Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics education and research (STEM-ER). A novel and unique dual-degree PhD+MEd(STEM) (Master of Education with STEM specialization) program at OSU has been established with potentially global reach. The bi-national pilot project was launched two years ago, supported by a highly competitive award under Obama-Singh US-India 21st Century Knowledge Initiative in partnership with Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in India.
IMPACT. 1: The concurrent dual-degree program, jointly between OSU and AMU, entails (i) pedagogical methodologies for undergraduate teaching, and (ii) advanced research in a STEM discipline under an OSU faculty advisor. -- 2. The first batch of Indian students has been enrolled in the two-year program, engaged in advanced disciplinary research and undergraduate faculty training. A proposal for continuation has been submitted to Indian Government. -- 3. The model program has global appeal. In addition to a number of Indian universities, several countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Republic of Georgia have expressed interest.
OSU PARTNERS: Ohio State Colleges: Arts and Sciences; Education and Human Ecology Engineering; Medicine
PRIMARY CONTACT: Anil Pradhan (pradhan.1@osu.edu)
OSU PARTNERS: Ohio State Colleges: Arts and Sciences; Education and Human Ecology Engineering; Medicine
PRIMARY CONTACT: Anil Pradhan (pradhan.1@osu.edu)
Engaged Scholars, v. 3 (2015).