Excited-State Dynamics of Pyrimidine DNA Bases Revealed by Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy

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To better understand the link between light absorption and deleterious DNA photoproducts, the photophysics of DNA bases was investigate with femtosecond mid-IR transient absorption spectroscopy. Markers band for two excited states, a dark singlet state and a triplet state, were found. These marker bands provide insight into the nature and dynamics of the states. The results confirm a model for pyrimidine bases previous proposed based on UV-visible transient absorption measurements. This study provides an important foundation for future investigations of the role of these states in DNA.


Mathematical and Physical Sciences: 3rd Place (The Ohio State University Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum)


DNA photophysics, time-resolved spectroscopy, excited-state dynamics, time-resolved infrared


Patrick M. Hare, Chris T. Middleton, Kristin I. Mertel, John M. Herbert, and Bern Kohler, Chemical Physics (2008), 347, 383-392.