Brief Note: The Unexpected 1995 Emergence of Periodical Cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.) in Ohio

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Ohio witnessed an unexpected emergence of periodical cicadas in 1995. The largest emergence occurred in Athens County where hundreds of cicadas emerged on 24 May 1995. Gallia County witnessed the emergence of less than fifty periodical cicadas and smaller emergences of only a few individuals were reported in Adams, Clermont, Hamilton, Highland, Hocking, and Washington counties. Athens and Gallia counties have Brood V cicadas which are expected to emerge in 1999, suggesting that this year's cicada emergence was a four-year acceleration of Brood V. The other counties were sites of Brood XIV emergences in 1991 and these may be cicadas emerging four years late.


Author Institution: Department of Biology, College of Mount St. Joseph ; Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University



The Ohio Journal of Science. v96, n1 (March, 1996), 27-28