Cardiac Rehabilitation Intervention and Quality of Life Indicators: A Validation Estimate of Ware's Model
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The present study tests Ware’s (1987, 1990) prediction that patient evaluations of quality of life (QOL) are related to physical ability. QOL data from 302 patients were collected prior to initiation and upon completion of a 12-week cardiac rehabilitation program. Physical ability was measured in metabolic equivalents (METS). Pearson product moment correlation coefficients were calculated for the variables under study. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to test these relationships covarying patient diagnosis, and pre-treatment QOL score and patient demographics. Significant improvements from
pre- to post-CR were found for METs and all QOL variables. Improvements in physical ability were significantly correlated with improvements in physical health related QOL indices, but not with mental health QOL indices. These relationships were present even when moderating variables were co-varied. Improvements in physical ability were predictive of decreased expectations that physical health would interfere with work or other daily activities. As the physical capabilities of our patients increased, they reported feeling less physical pain and were less limited by any pain they did experience. And, increased
physical ability was associated with a brighter outlook on current and expected future health status. These findings provide support for Ware’s theory of QOL.
Author Institution: Dept. of Counseling & Mental Health Services, University of Toledo, OH
Author Institution: Dept. of Educational Foundations & Leadership, University of Akron, OH
Author Institution: Dept. of Counseling, Summa Health System, University of Akron, OH
Author Institution: Cardiac Rehabilitation Institute, Summa Health System, University of Akron, OH
Author Institution: Dept. of Educational Foundations & Leadership, University of Akron, OH
Author Institution: Dept. of Counseling, Summa Health System, University of Akron, OH
Author Institution: Cardiac Rehabilitation Institute, Summa Health System, University of Akron, OH
The Ohio Journal of Science, v105, n4 (September, 2005), 66-73.