Influence of Pre- and Postnatal Thiouracil Administration on Pituitary Growth Hormone Content in Mice

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We examined the influence of thiouraeil-induecd hypothyroidism imposed at various stages of development upon pituitary growth hormone (OH) concentration. Balb/e-derived mice were mated and fed thionracil, 0.25% in Purina Lab Chow, from the first day of pregnancy until 25 days postpartum, or for shorter periods of time (last % of pregnancy and postpartum, last j/$ of pregnancy and postpartum, or postpartum only). Using disc gel eleetrophoresis, pituitary Gil concentration of 25 day old pups exposed to thiouracil was compared with that of unexposed animals. Concentration of pituitary GH was depressed significantly in animals whose mothers were first given thiouracil at the initiation of pregnancy or \% of the way through pregnancy. Young of mothers first given thiouracil % of the way through gestation or on the first day postpartum did not have significantly lower pituitary GH concentrations than controls. The factor determining the presence or absence of thiouracil-induced depression of pituitary GH concentration may be the initiation of fetal thyroid function that occurs between days 15-17, approximately % of the way through gestation.


Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University



The Ohio Journal of Science. v79, n6 (November, 1979), 267-271